Month: March 2016

197 days migraine free

Well, I’m  around the corner from my record of 205 days migraine free.  Pretty cool stuff.

I just don’t want to get crazy and jinx anything and shoot for a blog post on day 200.  Fact is, I’ll be in Vegas on day 200, and if the  last time I had too much fun is any indication, day 200 may not come.  Hoping it will, but just in case, I’m celebrating on day 197!!!

Here’s to Butterbur, B-2, Feverfew, and anti-migraine green smoothies!

I’m loving feeling that migraine free is the new normal, and that migraines are not the norm.  I’m not naive enough to think they can’t and won’t return.  But I’m living in the moment for now.

Keep fighting the fight friends!


Baseball knowledge converted to parental technique

I just posted this on my Facebook page:

My husband has always talked to my son about needing to have a short memory in baseball. I’m now thinking I need to have a short memory in raising teens. I told my husband I’m about a step away from putting a toilet on the wall like Fullerton has in the dugout so I can just walk by and flush things as they happen!!! New radical parenting technique! Ha!


*Where can I get a flushing toilet for my kitchen wall I wonder?

Gnats are the Houdini of bugs. (aka, I want a housecleaner)

Aaaaand, we’re back.  Gnats flying around my kitchen, while I swipe at them and look like a bewildered lunatic when somehow I continuously miss them.  Time to set up a trap or two.


It’s gnat season.  Not sure if that’s really a ‘thing’, but it is at my house.  Gnats, fruit flies, whatever you want to call them, I call them ridiculously annoying.  You k…

Source: Gnats are the Houdini of bugs. (aka, I want a housecleaner)